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Resistance to Neo-Liberal Takeover in Ecuador May Return

Amnesty for Ricardo Patiño Will Be Considered

Amnesty for Ricardo Patiño
Ricardo Patiño enfrenta un proceso
judicial por arengar protestas en contra
del Gobierno de Lenín Moreno, en 2019.
Foto: Archivo / EL COMERCIO

The National Assembly of Ecuador accepted an amnesty request for the former foreign minister of Rafael Correa, Ricardo Patiño.

The Administration Council of the Legislature (CAL), approved the request with five votes in favor and one abstention. Since the plea involves Patiño's constitutional right to free speech, the measure moves next to a special commission assigned to issues that arose from the 2019 protests of Correísmo and Pachakutik.

The only abstention was Nathalie Arias, while the president of the Assembly, Virgilio Saquicela (ind.), and the delegates of correísmo, the Social Christian Party (PSC) and the Democratic Left (ID), voted in favor.

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Headlines January 20, 2023 from Democracy Now!

Colombia to End New Government Contracts for Oil and Gas Drilling

Jan 20, 2023

Colombia’s government has pledged it will no longer award new contracts to drill for oil and gas, as President Gustavo Petro seeks to fulfill a campaign promise to transition Colombia away from fossil fuels. Colombia’s Energy and Mines Minister Irene Vélez spoke Thursday at the World Economic Forum in Davos. 

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No Tears for Dina Boluarte

LIMA 16jan23 The Boluarte-Otárola dictatorial regime established a state of emergency in the regions of Lima, Callao, Puno and Cusco, in response to the various calls for popular mobilization that were announced for this Monday, January 16, and whose objectives are the resignation of Dina Boluarte, the closure of the coup and oligarchic Congress, and the call for new elections.

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