Antifascist protest to be held in Brussels on Saturday


Friday, 7 June 2024
By The Brussels Times Newsroom

Antifascist protest to be held in Brussels on Saturday

Antifascist Front protest against Vlaams Belang. Credit: Belga

An antifascist rally protesting against the rise of the far-right will take place at Place Luxembourg on Saturday at 16:00.




The protest will be led by Antifascist Action Brussels (AFA BXL) in collaboration with Operation Regularisation, a collective advocating for the rights of undocumented individuals. The organisers  wish to draw attention to the predicted gains the far-right will make in both Belgian and European ballots on Sunday.




"Belgian and European politics have increasingly inclined towards extreme right-wing policies, and racist politics have become an unacceptable norm," they state, arguing for an "urgent, mass regularisation" of undocumented individuals. They believe opening up legal pathways is the best way to safeguard basic human rights for individuals on the move.



The march will set off from Luxembourg Square and conclude at Place du Jeu de Balle in Marolles, passing by Rue d'Arlon, Rue Montoyer, Avenue des Arts, Place Madou, Place Surlet de Chokier, Place du Congrès, Rue de Ligne, Boulevard de l'Impératrice, Carrefour de l'Europe, Place de la Chapelle and Rue Blaes.




Police have warned of traffic disruptions on Saturday as a result of the mobilisation. They recommend that the entire route be avoided by cars between 16:00 and 18:00.

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