Regime Change in Ecuador

Former PDI official Fernando Ulloa remains a refugee in the Ecuadorian embassy

By press 10 years ago

Patricio Mery - Fernando Ulloa

While the journalist, Patricio Mery, who investigated and publicly denounced the drug trafficking case reported by the former uniformed officer and which would involve the CIA to overthrow the Ecuadorian president, is in Buenos Aires, Argentina, publicizing the made and seeking international support.

Chile Care Agency

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"Z" Marks the Spot: US Puppets in Greece Join Terror War


Greece joins coalition fighting terror By - The Washington Times - Sunday, December 2, 2001

ATHENS Linked to the West through NATO, the European Union and multiple historical affinities, Greece has responded wholeheartedly to Washington's call for help in the campaign against terrorism. Through words and actions it has joined the war to rid the world of international terrorism, which on September 11 demolished the twin towers of the World Trade Center, tore a hole in the Pentagon and snuffed out more than 4,000 lives.

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Huge Clandestine Rave Rings in 2023

Between 4,000 and 5,000 people had come from Belgium, but also from France, the Netherlands, England and even Lithuania. Concrete blocks placed at the entrances did not slow down the revelers this weekend.

Maxime, a Norman, took part in the gigantic clandestine party in Sombreffe: "Everything was organized at the last minute" Olivia François and Michael Harvie, published on January 02, 2023 at 1:24 p.m.  

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I Am Not a Supplier

"You are not buying from a supplier, you are a raccoon digging through dumpsters for free code. So I would advise you to put these rules in the same dumpster." INDYRADIO completely endorses every word of this brilliant essay by Thomas Depierre

I am not a supplier

31 Dec 2022 - Thomas Depierre

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