
Photos Prove CIA Scripts New York Times

(originally published October 7, 2015 at

Photos prove New York Times was complicit in the coverup of the CIA takeover in Guatemala, and show an increasing influence on what saw print starting as early as 1954. James Reston seems to question the trend in this letter, but he eventually learned who buttered his bread. Henry Kissinger held the knife. Reston enjoyed a long and well-rewarded career.

"the CIA is asking us to publish speculative articles... and to do so on our own authority"

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Headlines February 13, 2023 from Democracy Now!

250,000 March in Madrid to Oppose Dismantling of Public Healthcare System

Feb 13, 2023

In Spain, more than a quarter-million people marched through central Madrid Sunday to oppose the dismantling of the public health system by the capital region’s right-wing government. The massive protest was led by unions who complained of long patient waiting lists and staff shortages.

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